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Tag: Auto Insurance

5 Winter Driving Mistakes That May Increase Your Premium

5 Winter Driving Mistakes That May Increase Your Premium

Yesterday was Car Insurance Day. The first of February has been set aside as the annual day to be thankful for the peace of mind your auto insurance provides—and to focus on the importance of safe driving. As we face the last several weeks of winter, it is the perfect time for an insurance policy review to check that your policy still meets your needs....

What Should I Do if I Have Trouble Driving at Night?

What Should I Do if I Have Trouble Driving at Night?

We all know there are plenty of driving hazards to worry about during the day – from rain and snow to deer and potholes. But driving at night adds a completely new set of challenges. Why? It all comes down to one word: visibility. During a clear day, you might be able to see thousands of feet ahead of you. But when the sun’s down,...

How to Avoid Hitting a Deer

How to Avoid Hitting a Deer

Autumn is beautiful, but it also introduces some fall driving hazards… deer collisions being one of them. From October to December, mating and hunting season make deer go on the move. For drivers, that means you’re more likely to hit one. According to a 2022 study published in the journal Current Biology, about 2.1 million deer-vehicle collisions happen in the U.S. each year, causing more...

What to Bring When Buying a Car?

What to Bring When Buying a Car?

That shiny new ride is right in reach. You’ve searched high and low, spent more time reviewing reviews on Google than you want to admit, but the time has come! You are ready to purchase your new (or new to you) vehicle. Before you head over to the dealership, make sure you have all the documents you’ll need to make the process as smooth as...

Driving Safety Tips as Daylight Savings Ends

Driving Safety Tips as Daylight Savings Ends

Fall and the end of daylight savings time is upon us once again. As the clocks are turned back an hour, you can expect your normal sleeping patterns to be disrupted for about a week before they return to normal, as the amount of sunlight in a day is less. Driving to work or around town could be just that much more challenging. Here are some...

Pittsburgh Insurance Quotes

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